How many bike shops do you know of that have years of custom fitting bicycles and a staff with over 190 years of combined professional experience in the industry?
Make your list......pretty short right?
Now, of those shops....how many of them actually build the bicycles they sell?
I know....the list just got shorter right?
Now, how many of them can guarantee a 4-week turnaround for any bike year round? Hold on, I'm not done yet. How many of those shops wrote the software and built the fitting cycle that they use to perform their bicycle fitting services?
Wouldn't it be great if the professional who performed your fitting work introduced you to the person who will be designing your frame? Wouldn't it be great if the person who designed your frame was the same person who designed the fitting system?
Wouldn't it be even greater if you got to meet everyone who would be creating your new bike in person? The frame builder, the painter, the assembler, even the machinist who makes your custom braze-ons? What if they all worked at the same place that you bought your bike, and you could tour the entire shop any time you wanted?
At R+E Cycles, we've learned that efficiency and accuracy are all related to proximity. Fit to Finish means that your bike never leaves our building during manufacturing.
For instance: if I have a question about the fit on a bike design that I'm working on, I can just ask the fitter. If the frame builder has a question for me about a drawing, they can just ask me. If the painter has a question about the paint, she can ask the salesperson. All of this can happen instantly without anyone leaving the building, or leaving a message. This assures you that your bike is built efficiently without guess work on anyone's part.
Fit to finish is just one of the things that make Rodriguez biccycles the best value in the hand built bicycle industry.
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