Starting your bike
If you've already had a custom bicycle made for you, and you love it, then you may have the exact numbers for that frame and we can duplicate them. Scan, or take a picture and email them to us.
Your body is unique. We need several measurements to help ensure proper fit. If you have an existing bike, it is often helpful to get some measurements from it.
To measure your body, you will need a partner, pencil and paper. Simply follow along with . Write your measurements down as you take them. If you prefer, we have an instructional page here as well as a PDF download. Feel free to email us at any point with questions.
Once we have your numbers, we can start to determine which of our 20 sizes will best fit your body best. If you need custom geometry, we can start that process at this stage.
You can:
Payments can be made by the following methods:
R+E Cycles
5627 University Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105
Shipping and Handling
If we are shipping the bicycle to you, there will be no sales tax:-) But, remember, there will be shipping & handling charges.
You'll have the option of 4 standard colors (or about 30 custom colors) and many different decal styles. We can make your bike look just about anyway you want it to. You can see all our colors, including decal options, on our paint page.
We're still here after your bike arrives. Once your bike arrives, you may have several questions or need some instruction. What if your bike arrives damaged? We've thought of that too.
Read our full welcome page to see what you can expect once your new bike arrives.