Custom Bicycle Fitting

First, customer contact information is entered into our NEXT-fit™ computer software.
Note: We respect our customers privacy. Our database will never be sold to any other company, no matter how hard they try.

Inseam measurements for bicycle fitting

Our custom made NEXT-fit™ fitting tools enable accuracy for inseam, foot and torso measurements that is unmatched elsewhere in the industry.

Torso measurment for bike fit

Our unique fit stick (part of our NEXT-fit™ System) has been in use here at R+E Cycles since 1996. Here, Smiley is using the 'fit stick' to get an accurate measurement of the customer's torso. This is crucial for designing the proper reach to the handle bars.

Measuring arm for bicycle fitting

The body measurement process is completed with arm and shoulder measurements. All of the body measurements are then entered into our NEXT-fit™ computer system. The computer recommends a 'starting point' fit adjustment. The computer's recommendations are based on decades of data collection and software development.

The NEXT-fit™ bike is then used to let the customer feel the bike measurements the computer has recommended. Saddle positioning is adjusted and knee alignment is checked with a plumb line. Here's where your fitting professional's experience, ability to listen, and all around expertise comes into play.

Using the NEXT-fit adjustable bike

Specially designed crank arms are adjustable to accomodate lengths from 155mm to 185mm. We can actually get crank arms in a lot of different sizes, but most manufacturers only use 1 or 2 sizes on their bikes. Having the appropriate length crank arm will not only make you more comfortable on your bike, but avoid knee problems and even help you ride faster.

Custom fitting at R+E Cycles

All of the seat, handlebar, and length adjustments on our NEXT-fit™ bike can be done while the customer is riding. (You might see a copy of our NEXT-fit™ bike in a shop near you). This is unique in the 'fit bike' arena, but gives the customer an easy way to try different positions without having to warm back up. This feature is easy and convenient for both parties.

More adjusting with the adjustable fitting bike

The NEXT-fit™ bike is adjusted until the customer is completely satisfied with their comfortable fit. There is a fan powered by the rider that can be adjusted to cool the rider if they are riding for a long time. We recommend that you ride until your sure you love the fit.

In this case, the customer was being fitted for a custom frame. After a couple of weeks, she dropped by to pick it up.

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