Since 2013, we have not produced a large pdf catalog. Instead, we have produced a separate pdf for each bike model that you can download when you are viewing that model. We have also put our efforts into improving our 'on-line' catalog experience with our new amazing image gallery that includes thousands of images showing Rodriguez Bicycles.

Thanks, and enjoy!


Rodriguez Catalog Downloads

Old Rodriguez Catalog Archives

Older catalogs are made available for curiosity sake. Have fun looking them over, but realize that no prices in them are current today. Be careful, curiosity killed the cat!
Rodriguez 2012 Catalog PDF
Rodriguez 2011 Catalog PDF low resolution 6.4 megabytes
Rodriguez 2010 Catalog PDF high resolution 9.4 megabytes or
low resolution 6.8 megabytes
Rodriguez 2009 Catalog PDF high resolution 7.8 megabytes or
low resolution 5.3 megabytes
Rodriguez 2008 Catalog PDF high resolution 6.2 megabytes or
low resolution 3.7 megabytes
Rodriguez 2007 Catalog PDF high resolution 4.8 megabytes or
low resolution 1.4 megabytes
Rodriguez 2006 Catalog PDF standard resolution 1.4 megabytes
Rodriguez 2005 Catalog PDF standard resolution 2.9 megabytes
Rodriguez 2001 Catalog PDF standard resolution 3.7 megabytes
Rodriguez 1999 Catalog PDF High Resolution 6.7 megabytes
Rodriguez 1998 Catalog PDF High Resolution 5.0 megabytes
Rodriguez 1997 Catalog PDF High Resolution 4.6 megabytes
Rodriguez 1996 Catalog PDF High Resolution 4.0 megabytes
Rodriguez 1980 Rodriguez Tandem Brochure Less than one megabyte
Rodriguez 1976 Catalog PDF low resolution 1.6 megabytes
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