Rodriguez Bicycle Fitting Instructions
For those of you who already know your size, you can look over our sizing chart of our 20 stock sizes and see if one of them will work. Otherwise, continue on, and we're at your service.
Remember to submit these numbers on the fit form
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If you own a metric tape measure you can take the measurements in metric. If not we will convert for you.
To perform the fit you will need a partner, a tape measure, and
a rigid ruler or carpenter's square. The measuring needs to be
done in bare feet or light socks while holding your body erect.
While standing with your feet about 2 inches
apart pull the ruler firmly up into your crotch, keeping one hand
in front and one in back. Have your partner make sure the ruler
is level and record the distance from the top of the ruler to the
ground. If
using a carpenter's square do all measuring against a wall to maintain
level on the square.
2.) THIGH:
While kneeling with your knees about 5 cm apart,
follow the same procedure as for the inseam measurement.
Position your heels against the wall and
measure the distance from the wall to the end of
the large toe.
4.) TORSO:
This is the reverse inseam measurement. Hold
the ruler level against your crotch and have your partner measure
the distance from the ruler to the top of your manubrium (This
is the 'V' shaped soft area below your Adam's apple. The
measurement will be to the bottom of 'V'.) This is easy to do
if your partner hooks the tape on the bottom edge of the ruler
and subtract the width of the ruler before the measurement is
5.) ARM:
With the ruler held the way an archer would grip a
bow, hold your arm at about a 45 degree angle extended out to
the side. You partner will measure from the ruler to the edge of
your shoulder.
Measure the distance from the edge
of each shoulder from acromion* to acromion*.
* The edge of your shoulder is marked by the acromion. To find
the acromion, let your arm hang down at your side. With the
other hand, feel down the side of your neck and along the top
of your shoulder. Just about where the top of your shoulder
ends and your arm begins, you will feel a bony point. This is
your acromion. Check to make sure that you have found the
right spot by continuing to feel the point with your finger while
you move your arm around. You will
feel that this is the point where the
movement of your arm originates.
Remember to subtract
the width of the ruler before
recording the measurement.
If you are currently riding a bike that
you like, or dislike, it will be helpful if
we know the current fit measurements
that you are used to. If you really like,
or dislike, your current bike we will be
discussing all of that via e-mail or phone
before we set up your new bike.
1.) Seat tube:
Along the angle of the seat tube measure from the
center of the bolt that holds on the cranks to the top of the tube
that the seat post is inserted into.
2.) Seat height:
Along the angle of the seat tube measure from the
pedal in it's lowest position to the top of the seat.
3.) Reach to bars:
Measure from the center of the seat post where
it attaches to the seat to the center of the handlebars. For this
measurement hold the tape level to the ground.
4.) Seat to ground:
Measure from the top of the seat to the
ground. Hold the tape measure perpendicular to the ground.
5.) Bars to ground:
Measure from the top of the bars to the
ground. Hold the tape measure perpendicular to the ground.