September 12, 2014
Hey Dan and Staff,
Just wanted to say it was wonderful to see and chat briefly with everyone yesterday...your shop is doing great, especially with all the "New Innovations" and your staff was exceptional... with the usual "Notable" Customer service I might add. That's "what" makes your shop so great.
As you know I needed an overhaul on the bottom bracket and front hub on my old Novara (Ibis cycles / Scott Nicole Design). Well your boys... (Master Mechanics) worked their magic. Dana's...Diagnostic's were right on the mark and Logan worked his magic as well. And it's running as smooth as silk. Let them know they did a great job. I have another repair project coming up soon. You are fortunate to have such a great team!
Have a good evening. And thanks for the magic!
Thank you,
Mike Cribbs
Thanks again Mike, and happy riding!
If you'd like to read in Mike's words how he felt about his new Rodriguez in 2004, click here.
Enjoy a few images of Mike's beautiful Rodriguez bike below, or visit the full image gallery of his ride here.