To Rodriguez Bicycles
Almost the last day of 2015, and I saw a Bald Eagle on my morning bike commute!
I wasn't going to ride today. The newspaper headline said that it is colder today in Seattle than the North Pole! 33 at the Pole, and twenty something here. Though I had debated so long that now I would be late for work, I changed mind and I'm glad I did!
Down the trail I came across an old man jogging, his version at least. He had to be 90. Maybe even older. He was pretty bent up. His legs were bowed and his shoulders stooped. No way he could stand up straight. I said Pretty cold, eh? And he said, Yes it is - that's WHY you have to keep moving! And so he did. Down the icy trail he went.
To me, seeing the eagle and the old man was a gift of the old year and a message from the future, the coming new year: It's NEVER too cold, too dark, too wet, too old, too late.
Happy New Year everyone!!