October 27, 2015


Was out of town for work last week, so today, for the first time, got to ride the new Rainier for my commute. VERY NICE! Between Woodinville and Bellevue I have 7 miles of flat along the Sammamish slough and 9 miles of hills as I climb into Bellevue, one especially steep --- essentially a wall (30th avenue). The geometry of the Rodriguez with the AMAZING fit made this a non-event. I was on top before I had even realized it! To quote a U-2 pilot I used to know years ago when I worked at NASA in Mountain View, CA : "She goes up like a homesick angel." That says it for the Rainier! Beautiful!

My heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the whole crew at R & E especially Todd (frame), John(build), Teresa(paint), Dan(QC), Smiley (tips on hand-positions while climbing), and you! (design and fit).

I LIKE THIS BIKE!!! From a 1 mph crawl to airborne speed, it is a pure pleasure to ride! It's right beside me here in my cube at work as I write this email. Looking good!!! (Teresa, that Snow White Pearl front-end is something-else. I don't know how you did it, but it has a jewel-like, opalescent finish that is deep and amazing. It is set off beautifully by the True Blue fade making a kind of blue-sea and white-clouds effect. Whoa! Good job!!)


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Radrigues rainier custom bicycle with painted fenders

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