R & E Cycles
5627 University Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105
Dear R & E Cycles:
I would like to formally thank the R & E "Free Repair on Wheels" team for rescuing me during last month's STP.
On Sunday, just before the left turn for the Longview bridge, I heard a snap. Guessing that either something snapped off my bike or that I had run over something in the road, I turned into a parking lot to inspect. The bracket connecting my rear rack to my bicycle had broken, and the rack was teetering dangerously, ready to fall back and hit my rear tire at any moment.
As I was attempting to jury rig it back together with a spare bungy cord, a voice from the road asked "Mechanical trouble?" The R & E mechanics on the tandem towing a Burley full of parts and tools could not have been a more welcome sight. Thanks to their courteous, competent (and free!) help, I was back on the road-within fifteen minutes, and I completed the ride without mishap.
Judging from the enthusiastic applause for the photos of your R & E repair team during the STP slide show, I was not the only cyclist in distress to be aided by these able repair experts. The service they provided during the STP was excellent advertising for R & E, and I hope you gave them a big, fat bonus.
I will definitely go to R & E the next time I'm shopping for bicycle accessories or in need of repair work.
Thanks again for saving me on the STP!
Best regards,
Michelle Noland