July 19, 1993
Cascade Bicycle Club - Seattle
P. 0. Box 31299
Seattle, Washington 98103
Dear CBC,
I want to take this opportunity to thank the hundreds of volunteers that made STP '93 an enjoyable event.
I also want to share what to me will always epitomize the "can do" spirit of those involved. On the morning of the 17th, we were on our way to the Kingdome at about 5:00 Am when my bicycle .flew off the top of our car doing 65 MPH on the 1-90 Bridge. We stopped and picked up the pieces and I was ready to call it a day, when my riding partner said that we should at least go see a mechanic. Well, we stopped by-R & E Cycle van and Angel Rodriguez looked at it and announced he would get me to Portland. He did major surgery on my front fork, fixed me up with a new wheel and with a little electrical tape to hold some things together had me off in about 15 minutes. From there I had a wonderful and uneventful ride (other than a pinched tube which Angel also discovered and fixed at the Spanaway pit stop).
Again I want to thank all those involved and especially Angel and R & E Cycles.
Yours truly,
Leonard Clemeson