
Hi Scott,

Sorry I left in a bit of a rush last Thursday--I realized that I was getting in a time crunch to get to my flight on time--and I didn't get to say all my thanks. Anyway, thanks for a great bike (nice color, isn't it?) and all your VERY patient help. I appreciated all your terrific, thoughtful email replies and it got even better when we met you in person, along with the others in the shop. Buying a custom-made travel bike from Rodriguez has been an all around excellent experience!

As far as my bike is concerned (just rode it today for the first time since returning to Torrance) I love:

  1. being able to straddle it
  2. not having to keep pushing myself back onto the seat
  3. not having toe strike when turning the handlebars
  4. being able to shift and brake from the hoods
  5. the option of having really low gears
  6. the ultra lightweight wheels--feels like I'm turning on a razor edge!
  7. all the other stuff--did I say I like the color?
I'll have to get used to being so close to my handlebars and all the other things new to me, like shifters, pedals, etc., but it's going to be great!

Thank you!


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