May 29, 2013
We decided to do the 7 Hills of Kirkland ride on Monday based on the NWS forecast of 40% chance of showers after 5pm with a 0.01" of water supposedly incoming. We got to the start, paid our $160 and started off on 2Rainy. Yep, the rain started within 5 minutes, and as you know, just kept on coming down all day. We kept thinking it was just a squall line that would pass by…. after 50 miles we decided to skip the last loop and just head home. We ended up with 80 miles of continuous rain riding- a PR for both of us.
The bright side of the day was how amazing 2Rainy was. There are some steep hills on the ride and we were able to descend them with confidence because of our ultimate stopping power. Jennifer is now a total fan of the disc brakes. One of my friends was very jealous of our 220mm rotors- I had to brag that I can skid the tandem as a result of your most excellent design. I love how quiet this brand of pads are when wet- my Beast bike squeals like a pig when wet. We also got numerous compliments from other riders about the paint job. The bad side: it took me 1.5 hrs to clean it back up to its beautiful self.
I think this is a design you can market with confidence in its safety and we will attest to the quality of its ride.
Thanks again,