After we weighed my 'custom' [Rodriguez] S3 Rainer yesterday, I just had to figure out how much it would weigh without accessories - the way most manufacturers make their weight claims. I'm not a weight weenie but I need some ammo to use against my friends who are always obsessing about how light their carbon frame bikes are! Here are my calculations (I used published manufacturer's specs for the weight of each accessory):
Weight with all accessories [R&E's digital scale] 21.6 lbs
If I drop the fenders and blinkie; replace the pump with a mini pump; but keep the GPS and bottle cages it would still be just under 20 pounds. That's for a large frame equipped with 32 spoke 3-cross wheels, triple crank, pedals, and a bottle opener ;). I think that's pretty impressive, and probably less than many carbon frame racing bikes.
I wanted a durable and comfortable bike and I wasn't overly concerned about weight so I wasn't thinking of buying an S3 frame. Smiley convinced me to go with the S3 not because of weight, but because of improved performance characteristics. I noticed an improvement in my climbing as soon as I started riding my Rainer (good call Smiley). I got everything I wanted in a great riding steel frame that is still very light - more than light enough for my needs - that's a nice bonus.
After over 2,000 miles including commuting, a couple of centuries, a 200K brevet and a 300K brevet I can say with confidence that I made the right choice in purchasing my Rodriguez. It fits me perfectly; rides like a dream; and looks sharp, too.
Thanks to Smiley, Scott and the rest of the R&E team for taking the time to fit me properly (there is no doubt this is the reason I'm so happy with my Rainer and the way it rides); for helping me get the right model and components for my riding goals; and (last but not least) for making such a great bike!
Dan Jensen