Hi Dan and Scott
Thanks Scott for the mail on getting more power out of the brake, but I had that sorted with help from the net. I lowered the saddle as low as possible and left the arms at 45', which gives pretty mmucha 90' from the rim to pad contact and the end of the arm. I can lock the wheels fully loaded as a solo and stop in 10 metres as a tandem fully loaded from 55kph (32mph) So I am very happy.
She has now past all her tests. The Airline test: going thru with all the other normal luggage, Character change:changing from tandem to solo 10 min and vice versa in 20 min.
Unloaded riding on gravel and tarmac both modes. Fantastic.
The final one the loaded tests: Once again awesome. As a solo I can ride no hands fully loaded, stable as, going downhill 603kph one hand and stopping so quick just about sending me over the bars.
In tandem mode I can't ride no hands but didn't ever expect to. But she was as stable as going down hill (70 kph) feeling more stable than when not loaded, and we can get down to 5.5 kph before I can't hold her in a straight line any more. The brakes once again awesome for a tandem.
So roll on the 1st June when Mama Cass abd I head to Geneva for 3 weeks in the Alps, before Sue joins us late June and we fly to Copenhagen to spend over 2.5 months biking to Geneva.
I will be posting on Crazyguy. If you want to put a link to it from your site or use any of the material feel free. Mama and I will be riding some of the famous cols and taking hundreds of photos, which I normally can't post till I get home.
Thanks again for an incredible bike, she turns heads where ever she goes. I will still be anoying you with e-mails and photos as we do our tours!
Thanks for everything and the patience you have shown over the whole process.
Take Care
Brian & Sue