Dear R+E Cycles
Sorry it took so long to get this back to you but with holidays and a second baby daughter born 12/28/12 just did not get to it. Wanted to enclose this note thanking you as the tandem is truly pristine and Smiley was very pleasant to work with. I got the tandem together and took it for a ride, by myself, as for some reason my wife did not want to come! It was great. Brakes with just me on it phenomenal but riding with wife it took a little longer to stop. But I believe it will be fine.
Fit is so close to my road bike. Reach to handlebars about 1/2" longer but going to try it first and see if it's alright and if not will get shorter stem. Seats are comfortable, sorry Smiley, and handling such that I have to look back and see that I have a tandem. Shifting was fine except when I took a peak to check my chain angle. Not used to looking way back.
Thanks again,
Bob O'Keefe