August 8, 2007

Smiley and everyone at R&E:

Here are a couple of pictures of me (and my dog, Jenny) with my Rodriguez S3 (my '06 Christmas present).  I have a great big smile here because I have just completed an Olympic Distance Triathlon (1500m swim, 40k bike, 10k run) -- and got 1st Place in my age group -- woohoo!

My bike has been fantastic -- it fits perfectly and it's as comfortable at the end of a long ride as it is for a short ride. It's versatile enough to do long hilly rides (think TourdeBlast) as well as the bike legs on shorter triathlons. I have a Half Ironman later this summer and I know that my trusty S3 will serve me well. :-)

Thanks for making such a great bike -- I've recommended you to all of my cycling buddies!


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