October 9, 2007

Hey Guys,
A few pics from our DALMAC ride. Dick Allen - Lansing to Mackinaw.

You might want to look up Dick Allen. He was on the ride. He is 79 now. He is one of the best cycling advocates we've ever known. He started the ride when he was in the Michigan Legislature and was fighting to have biking routes made. He was told he couldn't ride his bike from Lasing to Mackinaw by the head of the Department of Transportation. Dick got on his bike and showed him he could. That was 40 years ago.

Our bikes were perfect. 370 miles in 5 days.


Andy and Theresa enjoy some post ride pie The happy couple with their bikes in front os a salmon fountain Andy and Theresa with a lake behind them Theresa eating some ice cream and smiling Andy and Theresa with the huge bridge they just crossed behind them Andy on his Rodriguez crossing a bridge The happy couple at the end of DALMAC Posing with their bikes in the parking lot
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