The Bike Rack is Back!
August 2010

A Seattle First
Way back when, in the late 1970's, Angel Rodriguez worked with the city to secure Seattle's first 'on-street' bicycle parking area in front of R+E Cycles. Here's a picture of the shop in 1983 with Seattle's only 'on-street' bicycle parking area.

R+E Cycles bicycle rack in 1983

One Sad, Overcrowded Bike Rack
Over the years, the racks have been replaced a few times, and the space really got outdated. The rack that remained would not contain all of the cyclists that wanted to use it, so they even locked up to the 'bicycle parking only' sign. Here's a picture of what our shop looked like in February of 2010.

R+E Cycles bicycle rack in 2010

The Rack is Back!
Well, no more! The city just replaced that old run down rack with a newer, bigger unit. Now cyclists can park their bikes securely in front of our shop again without the worry of damage. Here's a current photo of R+E Cycles (August 2010) with the new and improved Seattle City bike lock-up area.

R+E Cycles new and improved bicycle rack

Thank you Seattle, and everyone else that worked on helping us with this project with us!
Chrome Rodriguez and Erickson Bicycle Logo

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