"Do you rent Tandems?"
We used to rent tandems. Years ago, we kept an entire fleet of rental tandems and rented them out to people. What we found was that was doing them a dis-service. You see, we thought that by renting tandems to people, we might get more people interested in tandem riding. What happened though, was people would have a bad first experience on a tandem and decide tandem riding was not for them.

We realized that it was counterproductive to the sport of tandem riding to send an inexperienced team out on a tandem. New Plan. We started a class called 'Tandem 101' and offered it to new tandem couples by appointment. This way we can teach the new tandem team what their responsibilities are while on the bike, how to get started, what to do at a stop sign, etc... Included with the class is a days use of a tandem from our store.

If you'd like to read more about our 'Tandem 101' class and what it includes, read our 'Tandem Evangelist' article here

Or give us a call at 206.527.4822 and set up an appointment.



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