The smallest packing touring bike available

Bike to the Future!

The Rodriguez 6-Pack bicycle was 23 years ahead of its time

In the world of micro-bikes, there are certainly a lot of options. The only problem is, a lot of these options are not regarded as 'real bikes'. There are several really inexpensive folding bikes with small wheels, but they are not designed for, and don't hold up to, heavy everyday use. Then, there are some more expensive options that are supposedly made for loaded touring, but most people that own them don't like them well enough to use as their every day rider. Their micro-bike is only pulled out of the box when the convenience of easy travel outweighs the inconvenience of riding something...well...sub-standard to their 'real bike'.

The Rodriguez 6-Pack solves this problem. The 6-Pack is a real bike, and rides like one. It packs easily to go on any sized airplane (even the stow compartment on your private plane), train, boat, or other mode of transportation that you find yourself needing to ride.

Don't take it from us though, ask Steve!

Steve with his Rodriguez Six-pack travel bike

Steve with his 2009 Rodriguez
6-Pack micro-bike

The original 1997 Six-pack design

The original 1997
Rodriguez 6-Pack

Meet Steve
Steve researched and owned several different micro-bikes over the course of 10 years. He already owned a full sized travel bike, but found that he wanted the convenience of a small wheeled, easy to pack bike for most of his trips. He's been a customer of ours forever, but didn't realize that we made such a bike, so he purchased several different brands over the course of a decade. Most were well known brands, and some were full custom micro-bikes. He wanted to find a micro-bike that he could ride all the that didn't have that 'whizzy' compromise feel to it when loaded with all of his touring or commuting gear, but had resigned himself to the fact that it just didn't exist. Therefore, he would have to take his place in the 'whizzy micro-bike' for travel / 'real bike' for daily riding category.

Somethin' Up Our Sleeve
When I realized that Steve was looking for such a bike, I told him about the Rodriguez 6-Pack that we made back in 1997. We had tried to launch our own micro-bike in the early days of S&S couplings, but it didn't take off like we'd hoped, so it eventually was dropped from the catalog. I thought the 6-pack would be exactly the bike that he was looking for. It rides like a real bike because it starts with the same structure as a real bike. It has a front triangle, and a rear triangle. Triangles are the strongest design in geometry, and this is why it has been the building block to just about every successful bicycle design. Most micro-bike designs eliminate the front triangle to try and save space when packing.

I explained to Steve that by eliminating the front triangle, his micro-bikes just didn't have the same strength to carry the loads that he tours and commutes with. He thought about my explanation for a while, but didn't order a bike right away.

A picture's worth 1,000 words
Eventually, I came across a photo of the 6-pack bike that we had published in our catalog back in 1997. The next time Steve came into the shop, I ran upstairs and grabbed the picture so I could show it to him. He immediately said something to the effect of "That's the bike I'm looking for!" He ordered a 6-pack frame/fork from us and we re-launched the Rodriguez 6-pack in 2009.

Deja vu
When it was done, we took the parts off of his (then) current micro (the one with no front triangle), and put them onto the 6-Pack. After a 12 year hiatus, the Rodriguez 6-Pack was back! I took it for the first test ride myself, and just like the 1997 model, this bike handled, climbed, in all ways rode just like a full sized bike! No more compromise. Steve was thrilled! He got rid of his other mico-bikes, and the 6-pack became his main ride. He even commutes on this bike. Steve has finally found that micro-bike that truly replaces his need for his full sized bikes.

Since Steve's 6-pack success, we've built several more (here are some photos). The story has been the similar each time. The Rodriguez 6-pack customers have been long time micro-riders, but until this bike, haven't found the bike that replaced their 'real bike'. The 6-pack gives the micro-bike enthusiast a bike that can go as carry-on luggage, and still rides just like a 'real bike'. We've built them in several different styles including: off-road, heavy touring, and even high-end racing versions. As it turns out, the Rodriguez 6-Pack was just a bike way before its time.

Six-pack frame sections in a bucket Is Touring the World on Your Bucket List?
Whether you (or a friend) already own a micro-bike and want something better, or if you are considering your first micro-bike, the Rodriguez 6-Pack should be at the top of your list to see. We think you'll agree with Steve, it's the perfect bike for that "go anywhere" bicycle traveler. Unlike Steve, you don't have to trust a photograph...we have one on the shop floor now for test rides.

The Rodriguez 6-Pack....your micro-bike, your only bike!

Thanks Steve, for giving us a shot!

Dan - April, 2014

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