Bringing R+E Cycles back to life in 1993
Angel's antique bicycle collection still hangs in a shop in dire need of renovations.
Jonathon must be re-considering his offer to help by now.
Don't let the pictures fool you! It wasn't nearly as much fun as it looked! How'd you like to get that alarm system working? Thanks Rob!
A new retail floor is taking shape.
Randy, Brian and I install a furnace, while I jackhammer for a new side door....wait a minute...I'm in 2 places at once! Actually, the jackhammer was at about midnight, and eventually I had to quit because of noise complaints.
Holy macaroni Batman! We're opening in a few days and we need to get the shelving up and the place needs painted!
"What should we do this Friday night?" Hey I know! Let's wolf down some pad thai and work a 24 hour construction shift!
This is actually the evening of the grand opening just a few hours before the customers arrive.
Installing the awning.
We change our clothes in the back room and wait for the customers to arrive.
Very, very, very tired owners and employees. Little do they know, the hardest job is still ahead.