Head tube facing machines:
We have 2 of these. Each set for a specific head tube size. Before, we had to set up a lathe for this purpose. This not only required setup time, but also required waiting if someone else was using the lathe.
Set up time has been eliminted, as well as wait time. Face time is about 5 seconds.
This is my favorite improvement. We used a motor from an old Austrian mill and made Yoda for cutting bridges for chain stays and seat stays.
Before Yoda, it could take up to 30 minutes to cut the bridges for one bicycle. Now, it takes about 5 minutes.
R-not is a small mill/lathe combo that got cut to pieces and down sized to fit. It is always set up to drill big holes.
This eliminates the need to kick somebody off of Pa Pa Bear just to drill holes. We have 2 more small drill presses set up for drilling as well, so there is very little, if any, waiting for a machine if one needs to drill.
R2 was made from scratch using a motor and lots of scrap metal. R2 is for slotting seat stays and chain stays.
Before R2: It took 20 minutes to set up and slot the stays for one bike at a time. Now, it takes about 2 minutes to do the same thing.
Laser alignment table (no cool name yet): this table was made so one builder could be aligning a finished bicycle while another builder was using the frame table for welding.
Waiting time is reduced to 0 minutes from up to 1 hour. This table, built specifically for alignment, ensures better alignment than the other table as we use lasers to check alignment now. As far as we know, it's the only one of its kind.