Fit First | No Compromises
This article is for any couple considering a new tandem. Most Rodriguez tandems are built for couples who already own a different brand of tandem, and now they want something that really fits. There's a reason for this, and this short article will show you one reason why.
At Rodriguez, every single tandem we build is made custom for its riders. No compromise to fit needs to be made when you are ordering an expensive tandem bike. Many people don't realize this, but other manufacturers depend on one or both riders to sacrifice their preferred riding positions when they buy a tandem. Even when a custom bike is ordered, there are specifications that they do not change. Why this is so, I'm not sure. However, I'm sure of this: Comfort is the key to really enjoying a bicycle, especially a tandem.
To you Captains out there...I have a few questions
I direct these to Captains specifically because they often consider compromising their Stoker's fit and comfort in order to use the Gate's Carbon Timing Belt.
My questions: Captains, do you want a stoker that calls you at work on a nice day and asks if you can come early for a tandem ride? Or, would you rather have a stoker that feels cramped or uncomfortable on the tandem, and really has to be talked into it? Do you want a stoker that loves the tandem and will ride for hours at a time? Or, would you rather have a stoker that dis-likes riding the tandem for long distances?
If you want the comfortable, enthusiastic stoker, then you will need a tandem design that starts with your stoker's fit measurements and then no compromising. You need a Rodriguez Tandem.
Every Rodriguez tandem begins with either a full fitting session or a long distance fitting consultation. I won't show this process here, but the numbers arrived at will dictate 100% the design of the tandem frame. As a matter of fact, the frame isn't even drawn in until the rider's contact positions (hands, butt, and feet) are drawn first.
In the examples below, we are showing a very standard design for an average couple who are 5' 11" tall (Captain) and 5' 4" tall (Stoker). This is not a special case, or unusual configuration.
Follow along with the process below to see how a Rodriguez tandem design is drawn in our CAD program by myself or Scott. No other manufacturer does it like this, and I think you'll be surprised at how the stoker's comfort dictates the design of a Rodriguez Tandem. It's just one of the things that makes us the best value in the industry.
Every Rodriguez and Erickson (R+E) tandem bike starts just this way. No regard to a specific component requirement, or captain's fit, just all stoker all the time.
As you can see, Gate's Timing Belt is not compatible with this stoker's fit. For it to work, the stoker's bars would have to be lowered substantially. This would put a lot more weight in her hands. She would suffer from sore shoulders, arms, wrists, and even saddle discomfort.
We have many stokers complain of such things on other brands of tandems, and have no way of correcting the issues because the stoker compartment was built too short.
This lengthens the stoker compartment and allows not only for comfortable stoker fit, but also much better view. When the stoker compartment is lengthened, the stoker can see around the captain much better. Just another benefit for Rodriguez and Erickson tandem stokers.
Both Rodriguez and Erickson tandem bicycles are 100% fit first designs. As you can see, we don't design around a component that we want to use, and then ask you to compromise.
Now, this captain will not have the Gate's Timing Belt they wanted, but they'll have something much better. They'll have a stoker like mine. I just got a text from her. The sun is out, and she wants to go riding. I'm going to have to end this now before the weather changes. Be sure to email me if you have any further questions on our bikes.
See you on the road! -Dan