Many of you don't know this, but we actually build a lot of company themed bikes. Over the years we've done some very unique 'company branded' bicycles. This year alone, we've done several really cool creations. I thought you might like to see some of the projects we've done (past and present). We're working on a few high profile bikes right now, but here's some of the projects we've already done. Maybe you have an idea for a company bike for your own place of work....hint hint.
If you own a company, or maybe you're in charge of promotions at your company, we'd be honored to build a theme bike for you. We've got a lot of creative minds here, and we're happy to put them to work promoting your company. C'mon, the company car is outdated, and the company bike is in!
Without further ado, I present some Rodriguez Company Theme Bikes:
Johnsonville had us build a chopper for their character Carl, the great bratsgiver. Next time you're enjoying some great Johnsonville brats (or hot Italian sausages), think of Carl and his sweet Rodriguez chopper. You really need to see the full image gallery to appreciate all of the detail on this ride.
GutterStuff had us build a flagship Erickson Ultra-light tandem complete with their logo and clouds. This bike is so sweet that I want one! I think it's great advertising to have a nice looking bike like this one advertising your company.....don't you?
The next time you're up on the roof scooping out the sludge from your gutters, think of GutterStuff and make that job a 'never again'!
The Raleigh Bicycle Company had us build a flagship bicycle for their company this year, the Azuba. This bike was a real challenge to build quickly, but it turned out really well. Check out the full image gallery of this bike. I think you'll be amazed at the detail.
The Claritin company had us build a bicycle built for 5 people that they used for a promotional event with celebrity actor Josh Duhamel.
When the Seattle Seahawks were on their way to win the Superbowl against the Broncos, Seattle's Mayor called on us to build something special for the Mayor's Superbowl bet. We think we did pretty well for just having two days notice. That bike was auctioned off for charity. But, the Seahawks liked it so much, one of them had us build another just like it for a charity event he was putting on. That one still hangs in our shop museum.
Foster Farms chicken company ordered a pair of custom tandems for promotional purposes. Lots of fun details on these bikes too. They did one for California grown chicken, and one for Pacific Northwest grown chicken.
A local bar owner asked us to design and build a theme bike around his favorite Northwest classic beer, Rainier Beer. The bike turned out sensational! Check out the image gallery to see all the cool detail.
Originally built for a customer who loves Guinness Extra Stout beer (one of my favorites as well), this bike was soon adapted and endorsed by the Guinness Beer company. Again, there are many details that you'll miss on this one if you don't visit the image gallery entry for it.
So there you go. I hope this has given you some ideas and maybe gotten you thinking of a bicycle for the company that you own or work for.
Thanks for reading -Dan