Rodriguez e-ready option
Sticking to what we do best
Here's how it works. We build your new Rodriguez bicycle or tandem to your perfect fit, just like it's a regular bike. If you've purchased the e-ready option, we do a little extra to make it super easy and convenient to convert your bike back and forth between an e-bike, and a regular bike (we don't provide the motor, battery or motor controls). All of the 'bike' stuff, we do.
This keeps us doing what we do best: Hand building beautiful, comfortable, perfect fit bicycles for our customers to enjoy for decades.
Doing what they do best
Then, if you choose now, or later to purchase a motor and battery, you get work with the experts at Bike Swift for the electrification part of your new custom bike. They've helped us make this option work smoothly for the motors and batteries they use, and they know their products as well as we know our bikes. It's a match made in bicycle heaven.
The Rodriguez e-ready option includes:
It took a while, but now we have a great way to offer our customers an e-option. I'm loving my new e-ready tandem,and I'm sure you will love your new e-ready Rodriguez as well. Dan - 2024